What are Highlights?

All about creating and adding highlights to analysis.

Jessica Rayome avatar
Written by Jessica Rayome
Updated over a week ago

A Highlight in Notably is is a small snippet of data within a research project that will be used in the Analysis tab for synthesis - this will turn into a "Note" on your canvas, and a "Row" in your table.
A good use case for a highlight is usually a sentence or two that represents one thought, punchy quote, or observation.

How to create a highlight:

Click and drag your cursor over the line(s) of text you would like to highlight, then click "Highlight". From here, you can being coding the data with your tags. Learn more about tags here.

While you are highlighting your data, you will notice each highlight appearing in the right panel as an individual card. You can imagine these are what your notes will look like on your canvas with your tags.

Once you are ready to move these highlights to your Analysis board, you can click "Add highlights to Analysis" to turn these highlights into "notes" on your canvas/table.

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