A document can be found in the "Data" section of Notably. This section is where you can create a document or import raw data (such as video, audio, transcript files or zoom calls). Once processed, you can highlight parts of your data to add as notes for analysis.
What is a Document?
π§ A document is a flexible space that can serve as a catch-all for supporting open ended survey responses, general notes from a research session, interview templates, and more. To create a new document, click the "New Document" Button in the top right corner of your screen.
Document Metadata
Once you have created a document you can name it, assign participants, and add tags. This metadata that is added to the top of the page will automatically be coded to any note created from this document.
A good use case for this would be for any data you would like to remain connected to everything from this data file. For example, personas, phase of research, etc.
Document Content
Once you have your document set up, you are ready to add content. You can begin from scratch, or paste content from a Word Document, Google Doc, PDF, etc.
Some helpful documents to include in your research include raw research notes, discussion guides, and whitepapers.
Generating an AI Summary
AI Summaries in Notably are like having another teammate in the room to help you debrief your conversations and jumpstart analysis. They surface information like:
Who did we talk to?
What was surprising?
What topics came up?
What patterns are emerging?
To generate a new summary, click the "Summarize" button in the toolbar. This will use 1 AI credit.
Read more about AI Summaries here, and AI credits here.
Copying a Document
Documents in Notably can be duplicated. This is helpful for creating templates such as an interview guide, to maintain consistency amongst your research.
There are two ways to duplicate a document:
When inside the Data tab, click the three dots to the right of the document, and press copy.
When inside the document, click "Copy" in the top right corner.
Sharing a Document
Documents may be shared by copying the URL from your browser. You may then paste this URL in an email, slack message, etc. However, only those that are included in your Notably workspace may view the document. (Public Sharing coming soon!)
There you have it! That is how to create and edit a new document in Notably. From here you can begin creating notes and analyzing data. Check out our blog for tips on how to synthesize qualitative data.
π Have an idea or feedback around using documents in Notably? Let us know!